Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Since Last Post Long Long Ago....

Since Weston was just barely walking the last time I posted, I have a lot to catch up on.  :)
-My mom (Granny Nattie) came to visit for Weston's first birthday.
-We had Weston's cow themed birthday party.
-Idaho State Fair
-Halloween - ya I made Weston's Hercules costume, kinda lame, oh well.
-Weston's first time to Cabelas
-I learned to bake a lemon marange but still cant spell it right :)
-Christmas - check out Weston's way cute PJs
-Archery shoots started back up
-Oh and a little surprise for ya ... side bar has more information ;)
Pictures (hopefully in this order) to follow
Sorry we have been really bad at taking pictures.... we will get better, hopefully.  



  1. Congratulations!! We are way excited for you!! Hope all is going well!

  2. Congratulations! You just wanted to join the entire pregnant Keys clan, huh?! That's really exciting! So glad ya'll are doing well!

  3. Congratulations Rhe!!!! Weston is super cute!!!
